Some days later, when Jesus came back to Capernaum, the news spread that he was in a house there; 2 And so many people collected together, that after a while there was no room for them even round the door; and he began to tell them his message. 3 And some people came bringing to him a paralyzed man, who was being carried...
On another occasion Jesus went in to a synagogue, where there was a man whose hand was withered. 2 And they watched Jesus closely, to see if he would cure the man on the Sabbath, so that they might have a charge to bring against him. 3 "Stand out in the middle," Jesus said to the man with the withered hand; 4 And to...
Jesus again began to teach by the sea; and, as an immense crowd was gathering round him, he got into a boat, and sat in it on the sea, while all the people were on the shore at the water's edge. 2 Then he taught them many truths in parables; and in the course of his teaching he said to them: 3 "Listen!...
And they came to the other side of the sea—the country of the Gerasenes; 2 And, as soon as Jesus had got out of the boat, he met a man coming out of the tombs, who was under the power of a foul spirit, 3 And who made his home in the tombs. No one had ever been able to secure him, even...
On leaving that place, Jesus, followed by his disciples, went to his own part of the country. 2 When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue; and the people, as they listened, were deeply impressed. "Where did he get this?" they said, "and what is this wisdom that has been given him? and these miracles which he is doing? 3...
One day the Pharisees and some of the teachers of the law who had come from Jerusalem gathered round Jesus. 2 They had noticed that some of his disciples ate their food with their hands 'defiled,' by which they meant unwashed. 3 For the Pharisees, and indeed all strict Jews, will not eat without first scrupulously washing their hands, holding in this to...
About that time, when there was again a great crowd of people who had nothing to eat, Jesus called his disciples to him, and said: 2 "My heart is moved at the sight of all these people, for they have already been with me three days and they have nothing to eat; 3 And if I send them away to their homes hungry,...
"I tell you," he added, "that some of those who are standing here will not know death till they have seen the kingdom of God come in power." 2 Six days later, Jesus took with him Peter, James, and John, and led them up a high mountain alone by themselves. There his appearance was transformed before their eyes, 3 And his clothes became...
On leaving that place, Jesus went into the district of Judea on the other side of the Jordan. Crowds gathered about him again; and again, as usual, he began teaching them. 2 Presently some Pharisees came up and, to test him, asked: "Has a husband the right to divorce his wife?" 3 "What direction did Moses give you?" replied Jesus. 4 "Moses," they...
When they had almost reached Jerusalem, as far as Bethphage and Bethany, near the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent on two of his disciples. 2 "Go to the village facing you," he said; "and, as soon as you get there, you will find a foal tethered, which no one has ever ridden; untie it, and bring it. 3 And, if anyone says to...
And Jesus began to speak to them in parables: "A man once planted a vineyard, put a fence round it, dug a wine—press, built a tower, and then let it out to tenants and went abroad. 2 At the proper time he sent a servant to the tenants, to receive from them a share of the produce of the vintage; 3 But they...
As Jesus was walking out of the temple courts, one of his disciples said to him: "Teacher, look what fine stones and buildings these are!" 2 "Do you see these great buildings?" asked Jesus. "Not a single stone will be left here upon another, which shall not be thrown down." 3 When Jesus had sat down on the Mount of Olives, facing the...
It was now two days before the festival of the Passover and the unleavened bread. The chief priests and teachers of the law were looking for an opportunity to arrest Jesus by stealth and put him to death; 2 For they said: "Not during the festival, for fear of a riot." 3 When Jesus was still at Bethany, in the house of Simon the...
As soon as it was daylight, the chief priests, after holding a consultation with the councilors and teachers of the law—that is to say, the whole high council—put Jesus in chains and took him away, and gave him up to Pilate. 2 "Are you the King of the Jews?" asked Pilate. "That is what you say," replied Jesus. 3 Then the chief priests brought...
When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought some spices, so that they might go and anoint the body of Jesus. 2 And very early on the first day of the week, they went to the tomb after sunrise. 3 They were saying to one another: "Who will roll away the stone for us from the...