10 Jan A Christmas Sermon on Humility, Meekness & Love
Podcast Excerpt: The meek individual is triumphant in defeat. Socrates lives the more by being put to death. In the crucified Jesus, the risen Christ is revealed. That which is real cannot be destroyed — but only that which is unreal. When you find within yourself that which is real, which is constant, abiding, changeless, and eternal, you enter into that Reality, and become meek. All the powers of darkness will come against you, but they will do you no hurt, and will at last, depart from you.
The meek man and woman are found in times of trial. When other people fall, they stand. Their patience is not destroyed by the foolish passions of others, and when attack are made against them, they do not “strive nor cry” — for they know the utter powerlessness of all evil, having overcome it in themselves, and thus live in the changeless strength and power of divine Good.
Meekness is one aspect of the operation of that changeless Love which is at the Heart of all things, and is therefore an imperishable quality. Those who live in meekness are without fear, knowing the Highest, and having the lowest under their feet.
The meek person shines in darkness, and flourishes in obscurity. Meekness does not boast, nor advertise itself, nor thrive on popularity. It is practiced, and is sometimes seen or not seen — being a spiritual quality it is perceived only by the eye of the spirit.
Those who are not spiritually awakened see it not, nor do they love it, being enamored of (and blinded by) worldly shows and appearances. Nor does history take note of the meek individual. History’s glory is that of strife and self-aggrandizement; the glory of the meek are peace and gentleness. History chronicles the earthly, not the heavenly acts. Yet though the meek live in obscurity, they cannot be hidden (how can light be hid?). They continue to shine after they have withdrawn themselves from the world, and are worshiped by the world which knew them not.
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