20 Feb All’s Right With the World | Charles B. Newcomb
Podcast Excerpt: For the individual who celebrates freedom, the only “infidelity” is the worship of the golden calf, the reverence for things material rather than things spiritual and mindful — for it is this that results in a spirit extinguished. It leads to dishonest professions of faith, justice, and service, which are required by conventionality, but not accepted by the heart.
A “radical” is one who seeks the roots of things. They are not content with mere assertions and superficial opinions. A “rationalist” is one who insists upon the right to use their reason. In the past, both of these terms were persistently hurled as epithets of abuse by the majority, against those who would not recognize their tyranny of thought and quietly accept their opinion as authority.
The things for which these seekers after truth were made to suffer were considered “vices,” labeled “dangerous,” and deemed just grounds of suspicion (regardless of their life and character) because they dared to question the conventional opinion. We find similar things happening today, but with different labels being attached to those who question public opinion and those in authority.
Over a century ago “frivolity” was viewed as vice. Under the regime of puritanism which dominated New England for many generations — mirth and levity had been criticized and suppressed. Life became so serious that many lost the sense of joy and buoyancy which characterize the normal human mind. They lived under an exaggerated thought of their responsibilities — thus it was no wonder that their communities became filled with nervous invalids. The only medicine that they needed was the vibration of a gladsome mirth, frank and hearty laughter, more frivolity and levity of disposition, and less worry and accusatory tones.
Today, I fear that we are returning to the joyless living of the past. We need spend more time cultivating a “carefree” spirit; to build it upon the confidence that life is really beautiful and to be enjoyed, despite the flaws within society and ourselves.
Let us (quote) “take no anxious thought for the morrow.” It does not help us. It befogs and wearies us most uselessly. Let us learn the meaning of “divine recklessness” and trust in life.
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