Developing Personal Magnetism | Magnetic Personality

Podcast Excerpt: Make courtesy come first. The silent language of your face and manner speaks louder than all your mental brilliancy. Snobbishness, habitual criticism, and roughness poison the personal atmosphere, shut out opportunities, and kill success. Clean, dignified conduct is a stepping stone to success. Civility surely costs nothing, but brings rewards rich and lasting.

A magnetic personality may be created and enlarged through proper association. Everyday happenings reveal to us the truth of this. Nothing can evade the law that like produces like. Association with cultured and intelligent men and women exerts its influence in the proper direction. One may absorb a certain degree of magnetism by contact with well-rounded, successful people.

Such a force of personality is invaluable. It produces confidence; it breaks the chains of fear and discontent; it makes life worthwhile; and sweetens the rewards of the success that is sure to come.

Personal influence is a keynote to the character of an individual, and character is a big stepping stone to success. Character is your own bank account of good will. It is the finished product of correct living. Life is not a stage where we hear the perfection of Mozart’s piano playing. It is a piano factory where there are shavings and raspings and machinery, with its noise and grease, dust and dirt. The finished instrument and the perfect music are the result of thousands of different thoughts and actions.

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