29 Aug Energy & Authenticity | Character Building Podcasts
Podcast Transcript: Welcome to the Inspirational Living podcast, brought to you by the kind support of listeners like you. I’d like to start today’s podcast by thanking some of our recent patrons, including Deborah Knaan, Jonathan Rosham, Jennifer Kilgallon, Jaime Andrews, and Gary Collins. If would like to help us by becoming patron, please visit livinghour.org/patron. Thank you.
Today’s reading was edited and adapted from The Psychology of Success by Newton N. Riddle, published in 1909.
Before anything can be accomplished we must have power. It takes power to work, to do business, to enjoy, to think, to live. Mental energy backs all action. If we lack it, we cannot expect to accomplish much until we have developed the elements that supply force.
Even in good health, energy is sometimes deficient, leaving one tame, inert, constitutionally tired, and averse to activity and strenuous effort. Whatever the cause of this tendency, whether hereditary or acquired, it can be overcome by proper training.
Children lacking in energy should early be given short, difficult tasks, and gradually trained to hard work. It is a significant fact that nearly all the great inventors, captains of industry and finance, and other brain workers of world, did hard manual work in early life. This early training developed the energy, persistency, and capacity, that later on sustained great undertakings.
If you are deficient in energy and engaged in a sedentary occupation, take physical training. Lay out a bit of work every day that is really trying, and go through it with vim and snap. Increase the work as the energy increases. Say to yourself, “I have latent power within me, and by Divine grace I will awaken it. I have the mind and the will to do.” Then do it, rejoicing in the achievement, and energy will increase rapidly.
Most of us have energy enough, if we but would (and knew how to) conserve it. We waste our forces in a thousand ways and then wonder why we are all fagged out. A fit of anger in the morning will dissipate power enough to have done a day’s work. Many people exhaust their vitality mainly by worry; others by needless actions or emotions.
Most of us are subject to the formative will and are constantly wasting vitality by needless thinking, planning, scheming, and imagining — and by contemplating things to come, and reimagining the images of things past. Few of us have learned to control our energy.
In addition, we often put much more force into an effort than is needed. Most people are prone to irregular activities; they do three hours’ work in one, then suffer from the reaction. If we are to accomplish much in life, we must get control of our forces and regulate them to an even stroke. Over-activity exhausts the nerve cells that supply energy faster than they can recuperate.
To control your energy say, “I have perfect self-control. I do not fret, hurry, or worry; neither will I dissipate my forces in any way, but, like the experienced engineer, I will apply just enough force to accomplish the desired end and conserve the rest.”
Know in your heart that you can have perfect control over all your energies, forces, and activities. Accept this control, believe it, rejoice in it, manifest it, and soon you will have mastered the art of conserving and directing your forces, which means power for effective life work.
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